2.1.1 Enrolment Percentage
Sanction letter of intake and final admission list
2.1.1 DVV Responce
2.1.2 Supporting documents for Reservation Policy
2.1.2 DVV Responce
2.2.2 List showing the number of students in each of the programs for the latest completed academic year across all semesters
2.2.2 DVV Response
2.3.1 Student- Centric methods, ICT enabled tools and online resources
2.3.2 Mentor-Mentee and SIP scheme
2.3.3 Academic Calendar and Teaching plans
2.4.1 Sanction letter for teaching staff
2.4.1 DVV Response
2.4.2 Full time teachers with PhD
2.4.2 DVV Responce
2.4.3 Experience Certificate/ appointment Orders of faculties
2.4.3 DVV Responce
2.4.4 Appointment orders of faculties
2.4.4 DVV Responce
2.5.1 Exam time-table, result sheet, policy documents on declaration of results
2.5.1 DVV Response
2.5.1 DVV II
2.5.2 Complaints/grievances about evaluation year wise for the assessment period
2.5.2 DVV Response
2.5.2 DVV II
2.6.2 Pass percentage of final year students
2.6.2-DVV Responce