Principal’s Message

GS College of Commerce and Economics is a pioneer institute of Commerce education in Central India since its inception in 1945. Identified as a flagship college of Shiksha Mandal Wardha, it also has the privilege of being the First Autonomous Commerce College in the Central India.

We believe in imparting high quality, value-based education, with societal outlook and fair practices, the proof of which is our highly accomplished and industrious alumni.
Over a period of seven decades, the college has intensified its commitments to the society and kept on enhancing the quality of education much to the benefit of all our stakeholder community. The college also owes its distinctive character, culture and tradition to all its stakeholders and patrons who have reposed faith in us and patronized us through thick and thin to make us a brand name in Commerce Education in this part of the country. Here, at GS college of Commerce and Economics, Nagpur and Shiksha Mandal, we believe that educational excellence is not an achievement but a responsibility.

Beside imparting quality education, the institute believes in the holistic development of students and encourage the students to be creative, committed and excel in all their endeavours by way of participation in curricular and extra-curricular activities, sports, cultural etc. We believe in inducing team spirit, competitiveness, leadership amongst students in order to excel both in professional and personal life to become a responsible citizen and contribute to nation building in line with our vision & mission.
I welcome you all to be part of our family.

Dr. Praveen Mustoor