Women’s Cell/Girls Counselling

Women’s Cell Report 2018-2019 – Click here

Women’s Cell Report 2019-2020 – Click here

Women’s Cell Report 2020-2021 – Click here

Women’s Cell Report 2021-2022 – Click here

Women’s Cell Report 2022-2023 – Click here

Report on International Women’s Day – Click here

Gender Audit Report – G. S. College of Commerce & Economics, Nagpur :- Click Here

Women’s Cell Activity Session 2023-24

Dr. Dilip Patwardhan President, Jeevan Vidya Mission, was felicited by Offig. Prin.Dr. Swati Kathaley.

Personal counselling session conducted by Mrs. Kavita Chandak for girls students.

Session by Dr. Pooja Khandelwal on awareness about the Indian Culture and Heritage.

A Session by Dr.Manisha Jadhav on ‘Sexual, Mental Health and Self Protection’ on the occasion of International Women’s Day.

Session conducted by Dr. Bharti Neralwar on ‘How to find a right partner/spouse’.

Savitribai Phule Jayanti was celebrated by offering floral tribute to her.

A poster making competition was organised and reviewed by Ex Offig. Prin. Dr. Swati Kathaley.

Women’s Cell/Girls’ Counselling

G. S. College of Commerce & Economics, Nagpur
Constitution Of Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) for Sexual
Harassment Of Girls/ Female Staff at Work Place / Girl’s Counseling as per the Guidelines of UGC the session 2023-2024

As per the requirements of University Grants Commission (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal of Sexual Harassment of Women Employees and Students in Higher Educational Institutions Regulation, 2015), the following committee has been constituted under college council committees for the session 2023-2024.

Dr. Mrs. D. V. Chavan Presiding Officer/Convenor 9420856495
Dr. Mrs. S. D. Morey Member 9112687660
Dr. Mrs. R . T. Sahu Member 9834355915
Dr. Mrs. A. H. Sakalkale Member 9823960634
Dr. Mrs. S. S. Gadekar Member 9890496869
Dr.Mrs. B. Gattuwar Member 9370094317
Prof. Mrs. S. Gawande Member 9921972830
Ms. J. R. Ilamkar Member 8149981617
Ms. R. Choudhary Member 9370544114
Ms. V. Joseph Member 9404738799
Dr.Mrs. Kavita Chandak Psychologist/Counsellor 9665052634
Adv.Mrs. Bharati Dabhadkar Member(Advocate) 9921860163
Ms.Mrunal Bagekar Girl’s Representative 9699526724
Ms.Anjali Ghodmare Girl’s Representative 8766686019


  • To act against any instance of sexual harassment in the college as reported by girls or lady staff members as per the stipulated guidelines and procedures.
  • To create awareness amongst students about the problems faced by women of all strata due to gender issues.
  • To create an environment of gender justice where men and women are treated one and the same with a sense of personal security and dignity.
  • To create awareness amongst students about the issues related to the youth, girls in particular.
  • To disseminate knowledge about rights and laws related to women.
  • To enhance the self-esteem and self-confidence of girl students in the college.
  • To foster decision-making ability in girl students for making informed choices in areas like education, employment and health.
  • To develop critical thinking ability of girl students.
  • To inculcate team spirit in the students.


Several activities are conducted throughout the year by the Cell to promote awareness among girl students and educate them on gender specific issues in the areas such as health, legal, career and social.

Activities at a glance (2015-16)

  • Essay competition on World Population Day 11th July 2015.
  • Skit and PPT presentation on importance of Education for girls to celebrate World Literacy Day on 8th Sept, 2015.
  • Ku. Gagandeep Kaur Channa and Mr. Sanket Sameer Choudhary selected and allotted badges as Gender Champions.
  • Dengue prevention drive for Slum Dwellers of the city on 2nd Oct, 2015.
  • Display of posters was done on the theme Beti Bachao and girls performed Skit on drug de-addiction on NSS Foundation Day.
  • Lecture on Prevention of breast cancer by Dr. Jayprakash Baraskar, President, Deshmukh Charitable Trust and Baraskar Cancer Hospital and Dialysis Center was organized.
  • Interactive counselling session by Mrs. Kavita Chandak
  • Self defence training was imparted to 56 girls
  • Ten girls participated in Essay Competition on the topic “Effects of education on Women and Girls” on 4th October, 2015 organised by Association of Women for Peace and Development, Nagpur
  • International Women’s Day, 2016


  • Pushkar B. Singh and Ku. Priyanka Jha won second prize at Hislop college power point presentation competition on Gender Sensitization theme.(2014)
  • A team of 4 girls won consolation prize in skit competition on Gender Sensitization theme at Hislop College.
  • Ten girls participated in Essay Competition on the topic “Effects of education on Women and Girls” on 4th October, 2015 organised by Association of Women for Peace and Development, Nagpur and four students bagged prizes:


  • 2nd Prize – Ku. Sarah Bijorikar B. Com I E1
  • 3rd Prize- Ku. Deepika Ojha B. Com I E1
  • Consolation-Ku. Shubhangi Narekar B. Com II M
      • Ku. Aishwarya Pande B. Com II M

Link of Women’s Act:

  1. Sexual harassment of women act and rules: Click here
  2. केंद्र सरकार द्वारा महिलाओं का कार्यस्थल पर लैंगिक उत्पीड़न (निवारण, प्रतिषेध एवं प्रतितोष) अधिनियम, २०१३ की धारा २९ के अंतर्गत बनाये गये नियम
  3. http://www.ugc.ac.in/pdfnews/7203627_UGC_regulations-harassment.pdf
  4. http://www.ugc.ac.in/pdfnews/8176976_Guidelines-for-Gender-Champions.pdf
  5. http://www.ugc.ac.in/pdfnews/5873997_SAKSHAM-BOOK.pdf
  6. For Online Complaints: http://ncw.nic.in/onlinecomplaintsv2/frmPubRegistration.aspx(Visit and fill in the details if you want to lodge an online complaint. This is as per format of National Commission for Women, New Delhi, India.)